Full-bodied barley wine. Sweet and deep taste like dried fruits and bananas. Cacao nibs and vanilla add a touch of cohesiveness to the aroma. A glass that you want to spend your time enjoying in a large glass.
Full-bodied barley wine. Sweet and deep taste like dried fruits and bananas. Cacao nibs and vanilla add a touch of cohesiveness to the aroma. A glass that you want to spend your time enjoying in a large glass.
Brewskiは、スウェーデン南部の歴史感じる港町ヘルシンボリが本拠地。 Marcus Hjalmarsson(マルカス・ヤルマション)が2016年に創業。Brewskiのビールはフルーツを使ったものが多く、約80%はベリーや果物を使ったビール。クオリティの高いホップの入手が難しかったため、それを補う形でマンゴーやパッションフルーツなど果物を生かしビールを醸造。その後もフルーツを使用したビールを多数醸造している。
Brewski was founded by Marcus Hjalmarsson in 2016. When Marcus started, it was not easy to get ahold of good quality American hops for a small brewer in Sweden, so he started experimenting with adding different fruits to his IPA’s and Pale Ales to reach the flavor he wanted. This turned out to be a success and he is continuously experimenting with different fruits and berries in his beers.
- BRAND: Brewski
- ARTIST: Brewski
- TYPE: Barleywine
- COUNTRY : Sweden
- アルコール度数(ABV): 11.0%
- 原材料: 麦芽、砂糖、カカオニブ、バニラ
- INGREDIENT: Barley, Sugar, Cacao nibs, Vanilla
- 容量(CAPACITY): 330ml
* 要冷蔵
Keep refrigerated.
* 未成年者の飲酒は法律で禁止されています
Under-aged drinking is prohibited by law.
Keep refrigerated.
* 未成年者の飲酒は法律で禁止されています
Under-aged drinking is prohibited by law.